7 Questions To Ask To Sell Anything (Including Yourself!)

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a high-performing salesperson and an average salesperson? It’s a mistake to think it’s simply luck. There are a number of factors that lead to success: mastering a combination of skills and asking yourself key questions, especially if you are selling a service as opposed to a product. When selling a service, it’s not always easy to explain features and benefits because it’s intangible. A prospect can’t see it which means YOU are the product. You are selling yourself as much as you are selling the services you offer. Here are seven questions and strategies that will help you come out a winner:

#1: Have you done your homework? Whether you’re selling a product or a service, it goes without saying that you must know the features and benefits of all of your offerings. But, don’t forget to research your leads and get to know your prospects. I work with clients all the time who barely spend any time researching their potential clients. It is a missed opportunity in the sales process. Without some of that prep work, you may not know what your prospect’s pain points are and therefore lack some understanding of how to create and/or add value for them.

#2: Are you actively listening? This is a skill that is often underrated. Being a good listener is being a good communicator. Those who have mastered the art of listening are often the ones who are the most successful in business. Contrary to what we are taught, the best listeners don’t listen only to respond. Instead, the power of listening can be used to mirror statements and concerns, address them fully, and put people at ease.

#3: Do you know how to clearly differentiate yourself? This comes down to the message you share and the emotion the potential client “feels” about what you say. The poet Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” Using storytelling, you can create connection and paint a picture that offers the prospect the opportunity to see, and “feel,” how your services will benefit them, and enhance their life. Storytelling is a also great way to show results.

#4: Am I focusing on building a relationship? Selling a service is about selling yourself which comes down to trust and building relationships. Authentic connections are made when you can find common ground and offer a real solution when you genuinely care about your prospect or their challenges. It’s about wanting to make a difference and meeting people where they are. According to Tim Hurson and Tim Dunne (from their book “Never Be Closing”), “the best kind of selling emerges naturally from your genuine interest in the person you’re working with and your sincere desire to be of use.” The stronger the relationship and connection, the more you can create and personalize your pitch.

#5: Am I willing to play the “long game?” You must have patience and persevere. Research suggests that only 2% of sales occur at a first meeting, and for the best chance of success, it may take at least five attempts. About 80% of sales occur only after at least five attempts. If at first you don’t succeed, go back, make notes of what you can do differently, understand if it was a budgetary concern, timing, or a situation that resulted in an undesirable outcome, and try again. Failure, while not always a negative, is proof that you are trying.

#6: Am I confident in my communication skills? Learning to sell with confidence and communicate effectively are two of the most important skills you can master. Persevering in sales requires maintaining self-confidence, and being able to communicate the benefits of your services clearly, and concisely, and how it will meet your client’s needs. Working with a coach can help you with both. 

#7: Am I continuously learning? And finally, stay open to learning new techniques, refining your communication skills, and adapting to changing market dynamics. When you learn skills and techniques to build your confidence, selling services—and yourself—will come more naturally and easily, having an enormous impact on your career, your performance, your ability to network, and beyond.

Becoming a great salesperson is an ongoing journey. It requires dedication, self-awareness, and a commitment to delivering value to your customers, and isn’t that the bottom line? Good luck! 



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